And the Winner Is....

We are pleased to announce that the winner of our Spring Newsletter competition is Ravinda from Severn Trent Water.
Thanks for entering Ravinda - the prize will be on it's way shortly.

Competition Closing

Today is the final day to enter our Spring Newsletter get on the case to win a £20 voucher.
The winner will be announced tomorrow.....

what a difference an hour can make....

Monday looked like being a quiet one - not looking good at all.
However, within an hour of being in the office, the phone was ringing off the hook!!
Everyone must be back at work after the Easter break...
All drivers now out and about serving our customers - ABSOLUTEly fantastic!!

An Easter Thank You

We wanted to thank our customers for their support so far - and an Easter Egg seemed the perfect way - We wish them all an Absolute Easter.

We have had a few new customers since the Easter Bunny made his Deliveries - and their thank you will be on the list for next time!