World Cup Kicks Off....

So have you got your world cup planner up?....

and more imprtantly - have you planned your vehicle logistics for the next few weeks?....remember AbsoluteDeliveries are here for you - just give us a call!!!

Who are you backing?

Royal Ascot is on this week - fancy a flutter?

Well this may sound corny...but a safer bet would be to book Absolute Deliveries for your vehicle movements - and that's straight from the horses mouth!!!

Holiday time sees the bosses out on the road..

Everyone needs a holiday - but as we are a small-but-perfectly-formed team, when a driver takes a break it means that Sue & Paul are covering the work load...

5am starts it is then - we love it really

Glorious summer weather?

Well, last week were needed our shades on for driving in that glorious sunshine.
This morning it was the spray from all the rain causing the visibility issues.

We know that we should expect nothing less from UK weather - but we prefer the sunshine 'problem' - bring back the summer!!